Profound Signs of Time

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Photography is born of nature and its productive processes are linked to chemistry, in an alchemy that always allows you to capture the natural phenomenon of the refraction and reflection linked to light and time. It is respect for nature, or better still, the connection between the representation of nature and artistic creation and to time, to the temporary dimension to which man refers when relating to nature from which the photographer has drawn inspiration, carrying out this photographic study entitled “profound signs of time”, regarding the metamorphosis of the olive tree.
By means of the images that the artist has realized during his personal study (the only one of its kind) he shows deformed trees, trees that have assumed a suffered human semblance. The olive trees photographed emit rebellious sentiments, with great strength and desire for survival. The creatures one after one emanate sensations of despair, love and strength revealing a strong desire to live and a love of life; all these sensations render the olive trees true “living sculptures”. The photos taken are charged with dramatic force making the study of every centimetre of this particular tree extremely interesting, which depending on the region in which it lives, is very heterogeneous, presenting substantial differences in both structure as well as size.
The author, over the years, has moved between the regions of Marche, Puglia, Abruzzo and Calabria, collecting a vast quantity of photos with a particular emotional impact, rigorously in black and white.